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Python Tutorial 3

Dictionaries, Tuples, Functions, and Files

Part I: Dictionaries

Dictionaries are storage and retrieval objects (like lists). Lists are organized via sequential order:

sample = ["this", "is", "a", "sample", "list"]
> 'a'

Dictionaries are unordered, and are organized via “key” and “value” pairs.

Dictionary traversal (i.e., “for” loops on dictionaries) is faster than list traversal. The difference in speed becomes quite noticeable when we deal with large datasets (e.g., frequency lists)

#normed frequencies in Brown corpus
sample_d = {"the": 69033.45,"of" : 36998.52,"a": 30157.43}
> 69033.45
#iterate over keys:
for x in sample_d:
    print(x) #prints keys
> the
> of
> a
#iterate over keys:
for x in sample_d:
	print(sample_d[x]) #prints value for each key
> 69033.45
> 36998.52
> 30157.43

Adding items to dictionaries:

sample_d["and"] = 28466.39
> {'the': 69033.45, 'of': 36998.52, 'a': 30157.43, 'and': 28466.39}

Uses for dictionaries

I most often use dictionaries for storing word/value (e.g., frequency values, lemma form, POS, etc.) pairs.

Note that dictionary values can be strings, integers, floats, lists, tuples, or other dictionaries!

Part II: Tuples

Tuples are storage and retrieval objects (like lists). The main difference between tuples and lists is that tuples are immutable. This means that while you can ADD items (but only using “+”, and only tuples) to tuples, you can’t CHANGE a tuple item. I do not use tuples often in my own programming, but there are popular Python packages (e.g., NLTK) that use them.

sample_t = (1,2)
sample_t = sample_t + (3,4)
> (1, 2, 3, 4)
sample_l = [1,2,3,4]
sample_l[1] = "two"
> [1, 'two', 3, 4]
> 2
sample_t[1] = "two"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-40-ec2ffd9bc0a6> in <module>()
> ----> 1 sample_t[1] = "two"
> TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Part III: Functions

An important mantra in programming is “Don’t Repeat Yourself”, or DRY. The opposite of this is often called “WET” (“write everything twice”, “we enjoy typing” or “waste everyone’s time”).
Functions allow us to follow the DRY principle
Functions also helps with debugging because errors will occur in the function instead of in multiple places in your code

NOTE: I did NOT learn functions early in my programming career… which led to really long scripts, time-consuming debugging, and lots of wasted time

Writing functions:

All functions begin with a “def” statement that includes the name of the function and the arguments the function takes. Below is an example of a simple function (safe_divide()) that takes two arguments (a numerator and a denominator) and divides them. Note that the argument names in a function are local variables (much like in a loop). The last line in the function is a return() statement, which tells the function what to output. Return statements are not strictly necessary, but are common features of functions.

Example 1: safe_divide()

def safe_divide(numerator,denominator): #this function has two arguments
	if denominator == 0: #if the denominator is 0
		output = 0 #the the output is 0
	else: #otherwise
		output = numerator/denominator #the output is the numerator divided by the denominator

	return(output) #return output

I include the safe_divide() function in almost all of my programs because Python will throw a ZeroDivisionError error if you try to divide a numerator by zero (for example, if you are comparing word frequencies across two corpora and a word occurs 532 times in corpus A, but doesn’t occur in corpus B):

value = 532/0
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-1-97589f112e88>", line 1, in <module>
    value = 532/0

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

But, if we use safe_divide() we won’t get an error:

value = safe_divide(532,0)
> 0

Example 2: reg_past() The reg_past() function (see below) takes a string and determines (imperfectly) whether the string is an English regular past tense verb (i.e., ends in -ed).

def reg_past(word):
	past = False #set default value to False
	if len(word) > 2: #if the string is longer than two characters
		if word[-2:] == "ed": #if the final two characters are "ed"
				past = True
	return(past) # return the value for past (True or False)
ex1 = reg_past("programmed")
> True
ex2 = reg_past("programs")
> False

We can also, of course, use functions within functions. Below, we will create a function that takes one argument (a sentence string), converts the string to a list of words, and calculates the proportion of words that are in the past tense. Our program won’t be perfect (we will deal with some of the issues that arise in later tutorials), but it will provide an example of the kinds of things we tend to do in corpus analyses.

def past_prop(sent_string):
	counter = 0 #this variable will be used to count instances of past tense verbs
	sent_list = sent_string.split(" ") #split the string into a list of words
	print(sent_list) #this is printed to show what the program is doing
	for word in sent_list: #this will loop through all of the words in our sentence
		if reg_past(word) == True: #if the word has an "ed" ending
			print("past tense:",word) #print past tense words
			counter += 1
	nwords = len(sent_list) #this counts the number of words in the sentence
	proportion = safe_divide(counter,nwords) #this will be the proportion of "ed" words in the sentence
	return(proportion) #return the proportion```
prop = past_prop("I climbed many rocks this summer.")
> ['I', 'climbed', 'many', 'rocks', 'this', 'summer.']
> past tense: climbed
> 0.16666666666666666

Part IV: Files

Reading and writing files are both important aspects of conducting corpus analyses. Fortunately, both are straightforward in Python. Note that you must be sure to SET YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY! to avoid issues.

Writing a file

To write and read files, we use the open() function. By default, the open() function will read and write files in UTF-8.

x = open("test_file.txt", "w") #this creates and opens a new file (called "test_file.txt") using the "w" (write) mode. It will be written to your working directory

After creating the file, we can write content (strings) to the file:

sample_string = "This is an awesome example sentence.\n\nNote that I can use a newline character to insert hard returns."
x.write(sample_string) #this writes a string to our newly created file
x.flush() #strings are first written to a buffer. The buffer writes to the file when it is full, so we have to make sure that we manually push everything out of the buffer when we are done writing
x.close() #this closes the file

If we check in our working directory, we should now see a file called “test_file.txt” that includes two lines of text.

Opening a file

To read files, we use the .read() method of the open() function. Files that are read are interpreted as strings. Again, files are opened as UTF-8. If any characters are not compatible with UTF-8, then Python will throw an error. Below, we open the file that we just created:

new_file = open("test_file.txt").read()
This is an awesome example sentence.

Note that I can use a newline character to insert hard returns.

Writing a spreadsheet file

We can easily write a .csv (comma separated values) or .tsv (tab separated values) spreadsheet (which can be read by spreadsheet software such as Excel).

Below, we create a simple comma-delimited spreadsheet:

sample_d = {"the": 69033.45,"of" : 36998.52,"a": 30157.43} #baby normed frequency list
sample_spread = open("test_spreadsheet.csv", "w") #create .csv file
#first we write the header:
sample_spread.write("Word,Frequency") #note that the values are separated by ","
for stuff in sample_d:
	outstring = "\n" + stuff + "," + str(sample_d[stuff]) # newline character ("\n") + key + separator + string version of value


The spreadsheet should now be in your working directory!


Imagine that you have a spreadsheet consisting of words, their corpus frequency, and their corpus range (i.e., the number of corpus documents in which they occur). Your goal is to write a script that opens the spreadsheet and converts the data to a dictionary format which can be used for downstream processes. The following exercises will build towards that goal.

1) Create an empty dictionary called “d1”. Then, using indexing, create a key : value pair in “d1” where the word in the sample list (“l1” in the code below) is the key and the number (in this case, a frequency value) is the key.

l1 = ['the', '5226263'] #frequency of the word "the" in the British National Corpus (BNC)

#define empty dictionary "d1" here

#assign the key : value pair here

#if you completed the exercise correctly, the following code will result in the output below
> 5226263

2) Write a function named “splitter()” that takes a string (in the format below) and converts it into a list of lists. The outer list should be split by newline characters (“\n”) (i.e., will indicate rows), and the inner list should be split by tabs (“\t”) (i.e., will indicate columns). Your function should return the list of lists.

#note, these are raw frequency scores for the written section of the British National Corpus (90 million words)
sample_string = "the\t5226263\nof\t2691108\nand\t2215331\nto\t2189223\na\t1827567\nin\t1677334"

#this is an outline for your function:
def splitter(input_string):
	output_list = []
	#insert code here


#after completing your function, you should be able to run the following code and get the results below
sample_list = splitter(sample_string)
> [['the', '5226263'], ['of', '2691108'], ['and', '2215331'], ['to', '2189223'], ['a', '1827567'], ['in', '1677334']]

3) Now write a function called “freq_dicter()” that takes the output of the splitter() function as an argument and returns a dictionary in the following format: {‘word’ : frequency}. Be sure to convert the frequency value into a float.

sample_list = [['the', '5226263'], ['of', '2691108'], ['and', '2215331'], ['to', '2189223'], ['a', '1827567'], ['in', '1677334']]

#this is an outline for your function:
def freq_dicter(input_list):
	output_dict = {}
	#insert code here


#after completing your function, you should be able to run the following code and get the results below
sample_dict = freq_dicter(sample_list)
> {'the': 5226263.0, 'of': 2691108.0, 'and': 2215331.0, 'to': 2189223.0, 'a': 1827567.0, 'in': 1677334.0}

4) Now, write a function called “file_freq_dicter()” that takes a filename as an argument and subsequently reads the file (which is expected to be in tab-delimited format consisting of words and their frequencies) and outputs a dictionary consisting of word : frequency pairs. Be sure that frequency figures are converted from strings to floats. Then, use your function to open the file bnc_written_freq.txt and convert it to a dictionary. Don’t forget to place the file in the same folder as your script (and set your working directory!)

def file_freq_dicter(filename):
	out_dict = {} #note that this may be unnecessary depending on how you write this function
	spreadsheet = #open and read the file here
	#split the string into rows
	#iterate through the rows and assign the word as the key and the frequency as the value	    return(out_dict)

#if your function works properly, the following code should result in the output below.
bnc_freq = file_freq_dicter("bnc_written_freq.txt")
> 4527.0
> 109.0

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